Desde Lejos

Series of generative digital paintings that explore the realms of memory and perception. Using nostalgia and pixels to create digital scenery, I revisit places and moments now part of my distant past. These fragmented landscapes are my interpretation of the prompt “On-chain, Off-line” for the Bright Moments Buenos Aires collection.

p5.js + GLSL


– Exhibited at:

Bright Moments Buenos Aires Collection (November, 2023, Buenos Aires)


Signs of Life

Exploring the abstract emergence of nature in synthetic images. A process of transference and translation via machine learning.

GAN/StableDiffusion –> pix2pix




This series is an expression of the inherently digital essence of our era. Through finding and amplifying the errors and imperfections inside GAN models, THX-1 transforms technical failures into redeeming aesthetic opportunities.

I created the works in this series using a glitching algorithm that processes images generated with StyleGAN2 and StyleGAN3 models trained on personal datasets, resulting in unique and unpredictable artworks that reflect the beauty and fragility of our digital world. With its vivid use of digitally intrinsic hues and playful approach to glitches and dithering, the dynamic non-representational compositions evoke a sense of nostalgia for the stylistic and technological hallmarks of my upbringing in the 90s.

Informed by Andreas Huyssen's concept of Nostalgia for Ruins, THX-1 reflects on themes of memory, loss, and the human desire to preserve and hold onto the remnants of our past. A poignant examination of the intersection of art, technology, and culture.

GAN –> p5.js


– Exhibited at:

Imperfections (February, 2023, London – Verse)


Ciudad Central

the movement | seeing lights go by | reflections and distortions | through which we perceive | ever-changing | moods and moments | that shape our understanding | abstract and emotive | remember | cruising at night | finding places | movement | go see lights by | distortions and reflections | perceive through | changing-ever | moments and moods | understanding shape | emotive and abstract | remember | cruise at night | find places | movements | see lights go | reflected and distorted | perceived through | ever-changed | moments | shaped my understanding | abstract and emotive | remembered | nights | place found




a fortiori

Energy is everywhere: it’s moving our bodies, buzzing around a city, growing the universe, and connecting everything within it. Perhaps the strongest symbol humans use for energy – for ideas, life, and the various incarnations of power – is light itself.

For centuries, each form of art has tried to capture the energetic luminescence of a bright light, a warm glow, a spark... if we could only draw with its pure brilliance! From Caravaggio’s diagonal beams, to Picasso drawing with light across Gjon Mili’s photographic emulsions… this pursuit persists through obsessive efforts by artists of every media.

a fortiori seeks to capture this power of light with code, output on the native illumination of modern screens. The visual deconstruction of light and its reassembly into a frozen moment produces the tangible shards of each spark – resulting in a sum of marks that exceeds the value of their individual parts. It’s then the obsessive energy of generative art’s looping and controlled randomness that enable its repeated mark making, of all types, to express the nearly-intangible intensity of light.

What one hand might communicate in drawing, with light or stick or keyboard, 100 hands would therefore say 100 times louder, clearer, and more impactfully. And if one could capture the authentic energy of traveling light in a single image, it stands to reason that 500 of these images will multiply their energy-inducing qualities together, and exponentially grow their collective power. In this idea, the medium is the message – proving the power of the medium, and its ability to generate energy.





Exploring machine communications between pix2pix and DALLE2.

pix2pix –> DALLE2



Some Kind of: ?

GAN –> p5.js




>>> GAN ⫷glitch⫸ Ting Xu | 幹亭序 <<<

At the apex of Chinese calligraphy, Lantingji Xu, the preface, was written by the most renowned calligrapher in China, Wang Xizhi (王羲之).

During the Spring Purification Ceremony, forty-two literati gathered along the banks of a coursing stream and engaged in a "winding stream" drinking contest: cups of wine were floated on the water upstream, and whenever a cup stopped in front of a guest, they had to compose a poem or otherwise drink the wine. At the end of the day, twenty-six literati composed thirty-seven poems in total and the Lantingji Xu, as a preface to the collection, was produced by Wang on the spot.

In the GTX collection, we create new intricate and expressive relationships between ink, paper, and pixels using Jimi's raw calligraphy work, their GAN offsprings, and Thomas's CHX-like glitch processing, generating unique calligraphy on mint and toasting at the same time.

Paint / Ink –> GAN –> p5.js







Paisajes del Ayer

A collection of cherished shattered fragments of memory.

GAN –> p5.js




Follow the people
Go up the hill
See the lights
Dance all night




Editorial for VOGUE Arabia’s 5th anniversary issue (March 2022)

Photographer: Michelle Watt | Fashion Stylist: Marisa Ellison | Digital Artist: Thomas Noya | Set Designer: Colin Phelan | Manicurist: Dawn Sterling | Model: Kyla Ramsey @ MUSE Models




GAN –> p5.js



CHX-1: Afterlife

GAN –> p5.js




Glitching pixels like it’s 1999.

GAN –> p5.js



Generative abstractions exploring the removal of traditional GAN aesthetics from GAN art.

GAN –> p5.js




GAN –> p5.js




GAN –> p5.js






Cyberspace Memories